A full body workout plan combining both weight and cardio conditioning training to tone, strengthen and develop ones physique. In addition to this it is shown to improve aerobic capacity. Duration: 60mins
- image_for_classes: 618764
- classes_button: a:4:{s:4:"text";s:4:"BOOK";s:4:"link";s:7:"#footer";s:7:"post_id";s:0:"";s:12:"use_external";s:2:"on";}
- 12_or_24_hours_from_time: 24hours_from
- 12_hours_from_time: 19:30
- 12_or_24_hours_to_time: 24hours_to
- 12_hours_to_time: 08:15
- price: 80
- product_id: 618891
- purchase_url:
- 24_hours_from_time: 19:30
- 24_hours_to_time: 21:15
- count: 1186